Handwriting at Lil Pallikkoodam

Teacher Training Workshop On HANDWRITING:

What is letter formation and why is it so important for children to learn? You may wonder if learning how to write letters is a high priority skill during this age of technology. Well, guess what? It is extremely important for children.

Letter formation is the ability to form the letters of the alphabet correctly. Children need to be taught these skills along a continuum based on their developmental abilities.

Why is Proper Letter Formation Important?
Research reveals that there are many benefits to having legible and efficient handwriting skills such as:

✅ a good or proper handwriting helps in higher grades to assignments produced with more attractive writing and that are “easy to read” rather than those produced with less attractive writing.

✅ difficulties with handwriting may influence the writer’s attention, requiring them to focus more on the writing and less on the thought process of what to write.

✅children with handwriting difficulties may develop negative experiences of writing, including frustration, decreased self-efficacy, and poor motivation.

✅handwriting requires fine motor control and fine motor activities stimulate the prefrontal cortex (part of the brain that helps with self-regulation and executive function).

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