Lil Pallikkoodam Parents Speak on Virtual Classes
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Loris Malaguzzi always encouraged us to consider school as one of the places where the search for the meaning of life of the future takes place. In this true sense we as a Reggio inspired school believe he was speaking about an “amiable school.”
Making an amiable school (hardworking, inventive, livable, documentable & communicable , a place of investigation, learning, recognition and reflection) where the children , teachers and families are happy is our goal.”
Learning to listen, see, observe and interpret the children’s actions, thoughts, and logic of investigation and construction helps us to learn the art of being and talking with them, to understand better the processes procedures they choose for developing personal relationships and acquiring knowledge. The educators responsibility is thus to design and construct contexts that sustain these processes and foster relationships, competences , expectations , imitation and “contagion.’ despite all odds and all have risen up to the pandemic.
In the process of learning, the teachers, parents and child are viewed as collaborators. In the Reggio approach the parent is viewed as an essential resource to the child’s learning. The exchange of ideas between parents and teachers is vital in creating a more positive and productive learning environment.
The Role of Parents in a Reggio Emilia Education:
The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education is acclaimed for so many reasons. In this alternative philosophy, children are situated at the center of learning. Reggio Emilia communities regard children differently than traditional educational systems, even from the very first day at school. Even at two or three years of age, children are welcomed into school as capable individuals with existing talent and ability. Traditional educational approaches, on the other hand, may perceive children coming to school as prepared only with empty minds to be filled. We say Reggio Emilia “communities” here instead of “classrooms” or “teachers” because Reggio Emilia learning environments branch beyond one room or one instructor. Reggio Emilia schools embrace the environment and its constituents as part of each child’s learning experience.
This will be a series of expressions from our community comprising of parents, mentors and children voicing out their experiences during the journey of learning in this pandemic ..